19 April 2011

FCT #14: leaving (melbournio)

I think you'll agree that I've been going strong on Canberra Positivity. It did require one stern talking to from Lulu on the fact that I chose to move here, but I've spun almost three-sixty on the Can since I arrived at the end of January. No major whinges, no petty gripes, no harping on, just sunshine and light and autumn leaves. 

As I know from my many previous incarnations, once I choose to move I then have to choose my attitude. It's the attitude that determines the experience. And I'm very pleased to say that it's been a bloody good experience so far. I'm in a happy place, I'm doing something I love, I'm learning truckloads, I've met a heap of decent peeps, I feel free of baggage... well... perhaps there's a little light carry-on... and I've crossed paths, albeit briefly, with someone who moved me in ways that I haven't been moved in a loooong time. Oi! Get your filthy minds out of the gutter!

Sometimes, in order to love somebody, you gotta set them free. (Free free, set them free.) Or so Sting would have us believe. An important part of loving the Can is setting it free. On a regular basis. (Free free, set it free.) So rather than introducing an element of Canberra Negativity, let's just say that I enjoyed setting the Can free for the weekend. 

It was a delight to return to Melbournio. To stomp the old stomping ground, hang wit my girls, witness the parallel hair explosions of Ben and Leo, marvel at how Adi becomes a yummier mummy every time I see her, eat at the Vegie Bar, drink way too much awesome coffee, get a little drunk, blow my budget (as per usual) at Polyester, enjoy the latest 'story show' from one of my superheroes, and see a stack of awesome comedy.

Momentary fantasy tangent...
If I were Queen Of The World, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival would never ever end and I would only stop laughing in order to eat, pee and practice side-split preventing stretches. Oh, and Daniel Kitson would murmur poignant, poetic, melancholy and hilarious murmurings to me each night as I slipped into sleep. Quite possibly attired only in his underpants.

The only problem with ace weekends away is that they must, inevitably, come to an end. And end it has. Ooooh woooe, post-holiday blues. Empty house, empty fridge, empty heart. What's a girl to do? If you've got any post-holiday pick-me-ups please do get in touch.

And stay tuned for the return of Canberra Positivity.

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