12 April 2011

FCT #13: zine love

I love zines.

Always have, always will.

I've been missing Melbourne's purveyor of all things ziney, the Sticky Institute, since moving to the Berra. I used to visit regularly for a candy-striped bag of goodness, and whilst I can survive without my hit, I'd really rather not. So it was exciting to trot along to a zine fare at Canberra Contemporary Art Space on Saturday. Many tiny tomes found their way into my must-have-pile. My budget got blown.

But hey... you can't put a price on love right?! 

And now I have an entire brown paper bag's worth of goodness to wend my way through.

--20 dudes


PS: Yes, Sticky does have an absolutely amazing mail order department. But how dangerous is that!?

PPS: Just discovered that the National Library has a zine collection... go Nat!

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