29 August 2011

FCT #25: busting da blues

Personal post alert. Be warned, o ye of non-personal posting preferences. Avert thine eyes.

Life feels like a bit of a shitfight right now.

I don't know what it is. Well actually, I probably do know what it is. I'm still recovering from the rough start to the season. Being the utterly psychosomatic person that I am, this has meant feeling very average physically. Recurring cold sores, lingering sniffles, patchy sleep, that sorta stuff.

Canberra winter. Not enough friends in close proximity. My complete inability to stay in touch (via the modern invention of telephony) with friends further afar. General loneliness.

The everyday elements that conspire against us all. A cracked windscreen and a parking ticket and a flat battery all the space of 24 hours - for example - and that's just the car. No money, too much study, not being in my own space.

Lack of resilience, feeling fragile all the time, prone to tears for no reason. Selfish, irritable, grumpy, a bit of a cow to be around really. The worst version of myself. General head-up-my-own-bum-ness.

Good googly moogly... it appears that this Whinge List could go on forever.

I never know quite what to do when these patches hit. Just hang in there and wait for the wind to change I guess. And spend as much time as possible hanging in the sun under the nearly-spring-sky.

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